A little something about me

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Animals and Birds II

I visited Shimla a few days back with a few friends. Went to the Indian Institute of Advanced studies (which was earlier the Viceroy's Palace). There, by the canteen I saw this extremely friendly and adorable cat and immediately reached into my backpack for my camera as the urge to get a few shots of that furry creature was just too irresistible.
So, here are some of those photographs. I hope you like them.

I also managed to get a shot of a ladybird sitting very discretely on a leaf, along the road, on the way to 'The Glen' (another place worth checking out, 3 Km from Shimla).

Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla

The India Institute of Advanced Studies, an amazing feat of architecture by the Britishers. Respect!

Inside the Institute.

The Glen, Shimla

More from Shimla

The Art Gallery on The Ridge

From my hotel room