A little something about me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello people,
This post is just to tell you about my Facebook page. I will be posting some interesting things related to photography on a regular basis on the page, so kindly join in and enjoy :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A friend of mine bought a new guitar and new pod controller, and called me over for a photo shoot. The outcome: -

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Animals and Birds II

I visited Shimla a few days back with a few friends. Went to the Indian Institute of Advanced studies (which was earlier the Viceroy's Palace). There, by the canteen I saw this extremely friendly and adorable cat and immediately reached into my backpack for my camera as the urge to get a few shots of that furry creature was just too irresistible.
So, here are some of those photographs. I hope you like them.

I also managed to get a shot of a ladybird sitting very discretely on a leaf, along the road, on the way to 'The Glen' (another place worth checking out, 3 Km from Shimla).

Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla

The India Institute of Advanced Studies, an amazing feat of architecture by the Britishers. Respect!

Inside the Institute.

The Glen, Shimla

More from Shimla

The Art Gallery on The Ridge

From my hotel room

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The light

Yesterday, I was sitting at my computer table, doing some stuff and this wall lamp besides my table caught my attention, and I thought to myself that this lamp could help be get a good photograph. So I took out my camera and got down to work. Below is the result.

Please do let me know if you like it.


Macro is one of the many types of photography that I completely love. Sadly, I do not have a macro lens as of now. I hope to have one, someday *dreaming*.

So here are a few macro shots that I have managed to click so far.

Below is the photoshoped version of the above photograph(selective colouring).

Animals and Birds

I love animals and birds,from dogs to cats, to lions and tigers, to snakes, to colourful parrots, to pigeons and so on.

Now because I love animals, I like to capture them in my camera as well. So, here are a few animals and birds that I managed to photograph.

Sukhna Lake

Below are a few shots of the ever so beautiful Sukhna Lake, at the time of sunrise. These shots are a product of an early morning (way early for my liking) to the lake with a few fellow photography enthusiasts, and it turned out to be worth the trouble of waking up at 4:30.

Here, have a look at the photographs.

Comments, suggestions, criticism and please flow in.